Beers Of Bolivia

It's becoming a thing! This is the fourth beer evaluation. After taking a look at the beers of Uruguay, Argentina and Chile, read up if you missed them, I take a look at the beers of Bolivia.

Cerveza Popular

  • Cordillera is a beer brand by the Bebidas Bolivianas S.A. (BBO). According to my research it was once produced by SABMiller in Peru. SABMiller then sold the know-how in a technology transfer to BBO. Since then the beer is produced by BBO, tailored for the Bolivian market, and sold in key cities in Bolivia (La Paz, El Alto, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz de la Sierra). I tested the blond version, and as far as I know there are no other versions.
  • Real (Facebook) is another beer brand by the Bebidas Bolivianas S.A. (BBO) which exists since 2012. Besides that there is little information about it.
  • Potosina, produced by the Cerveceria Nacional Potosí Ltda., is the original Pilsener from the city of Potosí. It is said to be the beer which is brewed at the highest altitude in the world, with Potosí having an elevation of about 4,000 meters above sea level.
  • Paceña is one of several beer brands by the Cervecería Boliviana Nacional S.A.. It originates from La Paz and is brewed at an elevation of about 3,600 meters above sea level with water from the Andes.
  • Huari is another beer brand of the Cervecería Boliviana Nacional S.A.. As far as my research yields it is brewed in Oruro.
  • Taquiña is a beer brand by the Cervecería Boliviana Nacional S.A. as well. It is from Cochabamba.

Cerveza Artesanal

  • The Cerveceria Corsa S.A. (Facebook), or short Corsa from Santa Cruz de la Sierra is a microbrewery dedicated to beer which is brewed after the German Beer Purity Law. They currently offer two types of beer, a Dunkel and a Lager. I was able to test a Dunkel.
  • Teds Cervecería (Facebook) produces three types of beer: Ambar, Chala and Ñusta. The facilities are located in Sucre and since 2001 beer is produced there. In a small bar in Copacabana I was able to sample an Ambar & a Chala.

Here is an overview of the tested beers:
01 Capital
02 Real
03 Potosina
04 Paceña
05 Huari
06 Taquiña
07 Corsa Dunkel
08 Teds Cervecería Ambar
09 Teds Cervecería Chala

And the winner is...

In the category Cerveza Artesanal the trophy goes to Teds Cervecería Ambar, a brown beer made out of two sorts of malt and hops. Potosina wins in the category Cerveza Popular, the clear taste and a beautiful color make this beer from high up the mountains a true delight.